Your website is the face of your brand and at the same time, one of the most important sales channels for your business. In the busy modern world, you only have seconds to make an impression. When your websites visual appearance is proffessional and trustworthy, you have no trouble selling your products and services.
Research have shown, that you only have 15 seconds on average to impress your website visitors!
That’s why it is vital to give a trustworthy impression for your visitors at the very second, they see your website.
What does “responsive design” mean? Responsive design means, that the website and it’s contents scale to appropriate size, no matter the size of the device’s screen.
Did you know, that in 2018, 52,5% of all web traffic came from mobile devices?
That’s why it is very important, that your website displays the same information across all devices and screen sizes.
The success of your internatioal sales is dependant on your clients’ ability to get to know your services and products using the language they know well.
In addition to finnish, I can also fluently speak, produce content and translate texts in english and in estonian.
Do you need a translation for your website?
SEO or “Search Engine Optimization” means, that the website is made easily discoverable on the internet. An impressive website is not very useful, if nobody can find it! I have studied the “soul” of search engines and I’m constantly keeping an eye out for changes in Google’s algorythms.
Search engine optimization consists of many aspects, such as website’s speed, usability, content, domain autority etc. All these combined with right technical implementation will guarantee, that your website is found, where it is supposed to.
Andree Põlluäär / Web Designer
Puh. 040 682 8868